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This page is a central location for links and resources for Sword and Sorcery Saga, my sword-and-sorcery conversion of WotC's Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Edition. Right now it is primarily a link farm, but as time goes on I'll be adding HTML versions of the ruleset, resources such as monster compendiums and so forth -- not to mention prettying it up a bit.
News: "S&S Saga Version 2.0" In Production
Using some lessons I've learned from Uncanny Midnight Tales and stealing any good ideas I could find in D&D 4E, I've started work on Version 2.0. The good news is, any existing material you may have put together for S&S Saga should continue to work.
NEW! September 15, 2008 -- "Building Encounters by XP Budget in Saga Edition" Uploaded
See under "Resources," below.
I will clean these up with the next iteration of the main text. Meanwhile, here are the mistakes or clarifications I am aware of:
- ROGUES: Should have "Climb" and "Jump" as class skills.
- ROGUES: Certain talents are renamed from their SWSE equivalents, making the references to them potentially confusing. The effected talents are: Able-Bodied Seaman: As Hyperdriven, p. 47. Old Sea-Dog: As Stellar Warrior, p. 47. Sea Legs: As Spacehound, p. 47.
- SCHOLARS: Certain talents are renamed from their SWSE equivalents, making the references to them potentially confusing. The effected talents are: Wilt the Spirit: As Adept Negotiator, p. 39. Arcane Persuasion: As Force Persuasion, p. 40. Crush the Spirit: As Master Negotiator, p. 40.
- SCOUTS: Certain talents are renamed from their SWSE equivalents, making the references to them potentially confusing. The effected talents are: Luck of the Wild: As Fringe Savant, p. 50.
- WARRIORS: Should have "Ride" as a class skill.
- WARRIORS: Certain talents are renamed from their SWSE equivalents, making the references to them potentially confusing. The effected talents are: Distraction: As Draw Fire, p. 52.
- BEAST FORM SPELL: The maximum level of beast you may shift to with this spell is your own level +2 (hence, a 1st-level character can transform into a beast of 3rd level or lower). This spell may only be used to change into creatures built with the "beast" class (thus no outsiders, undead, constructs, etc.)
- S&S Saga Rules v. 1.02 (480 KB PDF) -- The "player's handbook" for the game, so to speak. It only includes items that are not in the SWSE rulebook, to avoid copyright violation. When D&D4E comes out, I will examine the OGL content that provides and possibly use that as the basis for a new "complete" rulebook.
- NEW! Building Encounters by XP Budget in Saga Edition (431 KB PDF) -- Just about the only facet of the game where 4E actually outshines SWSE is the encounter-building tools. So, inspired by Wulf Ratbane's adaptation of the concept for Paizo's Pathfinder, I came up with an XP Budget system for Saga Edition. This works for SWSE, S&S Saga, and Uncanny Midnight Tales -- what's more, it also works for Dungeons & Dragons 3.x, as an added bonus! Please give it a whirl and let me know what you think.
- Character Sheet (272KB PDF) -- A double-sided character sheet, including a condition track for easy reference.
- Character Creation Quicksheet -- Condensed tables for 1st-level character creation, as well as seven pregenerated and ready-to-play 1st level characters: the Court Dancer, the Gentleman Thief, the Magus of the East, the Sellsword, the Street Rat, the Wayward Apprentice, and the Wolf Girl. This sheet uses all of the errata listed on this page.
- "High Fantasy Races" (94KB PDF) -- For those who just can't stand to go without elves, dwarves, and so forth. These are slightly changed from the versions posted to the thread on ENWorld.
- Swords Against Sorcery Conversion (PDF) -- This is a "stat blocks only" conversion of Runequest: Lankhmar -- Swords Against Sorcery. Includes rules for undead creatures in S&S Saga and stat blocks for monstrous spiders of various sizes, a veteran thief-adventurer with a hint of sorcerous talent (to use for Gray Mouser), and a variety of undead nasties.
Stuff You'll Need From Other People
- Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Edition -- You'll need this to make heads or tails out of S&S Saga.
- Runequest: Lankhmar -- Swords Against Sorcery -- You'll need this to get the full benefit out of the Swords Against Sorcery Conversion.
Community / Discussion
- ENWorld Main Thread -- This thread on ENWorld is the primary place to discuss developments, the ideas behind the system, cheer, jeer, or throw rocks.
- DarwinOfMind's Play-By-Post Playtest -- DarwinOfMind proposes to run a playtest game here and is looking for players!
- Rogues Gallery -- A collection of characters for DarwinOfMind's p-b-p playtest.
- My LiveJournal -- Entries from my LiveJournal tagged with "S&S Saga".